Welcome to a complex bio, simplified.
I am not a drop in the ocean,
I am the entire ocean in a drop.
~ as Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī said.
That to me means that the personality known as Gary is integrating with the Present Moment Light, and becoming who he really is.
My partner and I practiced intuitive energy healing (light touch) in Andalusia, Spain and on the Hawaiian Islands (setting earth-bound souls free, energetic clearings.)
I am a practical mystic, serving the One Light, guided by inner knowing.
The name, Emanate Presence, came one morning when I was awakened with the words, "Rather than Exert Power, Emanate Presence."
Please feel free to write to me. I respect your privacy, and your name will not be put on any mailing lists.
I am not a drop in the ocean,
I am the entire ocean in a drop.
~ as Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī said.
That to me means that the personality known as Gary is integrating with the Present Moment Light, and becoming who he really is.
My partner and I practiced intuitive energy healing (light touch) in Andalusia, Spain and on the Hawaiian Islands (setting earth-bound souls free, energetic clearings.)
I am a practical mystic, serving the One Light, guided by inner knowing.
The name, Emanate Presence, came one morning when I was awakened with the words, "Rather than Exert Power, Emanate Presence."
Please feel free to write to me. I respect your privacy, and your name will not be put on any mailing lists.