In our visions we saw humankind awakened to wholeness. The collective mind of society agreed to expand into the spiritual Self. With the realization of the sacred in man, knowledge of the universal self-regulating and harmonizing life force returned.
This knowing is based on spiritual science and we have experienced it throughout our work with healing energies and in personal happenings. The incorporation of this spiritual reality evokes dignified and humane behavior within human mundane action.
We also have realized that our visions will manifest in the world when each human can decide from free will to embrace the grace of higher nature. This is an evolutionary process in which each person ripens through the journey of life.
Kati and Gary R. Smith
This knowing is based on spiritual science and we have experienced it throughout our work with healing energies and in personal happenings. The incorporation of this spiritual reality evokes dignified and humane behavior within human mundane action.
We also have realized that our visions will manifest in the world when each human can decide from free will to embrace the grace of higher nature. This is an evolutionary process in which each person ripens through the journey of life.
Kati and Gary R. Smith